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Summer Edition PSA: Who and What Causes Water Pollution?

Water Pollution is the contamination of water bodies. It occurs as a result of introduction of pollutants in water. Water is life, we use water everyday. Still, we contribute in polluting the water bodies in several ways. The sources, effects, and control measures of Water Pollution Include: Industry; Effluents from the factories. Sewage; From human actions to liquids of household works, drain water containing feces, and other pollutants, Physical Pollution; heat and ionic radiation and Different household activities, Agriculture Different chemical fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides used in agricultural field are washed out rain water and pollute by the different water bodies.Minerals; Minerals above a certain level in the soil or present in the rocks, mix with water and results in pollution.

You would have never guessed but, most of the time, people cause water pollution by their actions. Some actions people do: put fertilizer on lawns, litter, lack of rain barrels, leaking oils from cars, hosing driveways, and some people are not picking up dog waste. If you think about it, it's not always people, it’s also caused by sewage water. Sewage and industrial wastes are discharged into the rivers. Because of this, pollutants enter groundwater, rivers, and other water bodies. Sewage water is not often that clean. Unclean water in the sewage will travel to the Chesapeake Bay. It is not a pretty sight when you see unclean water. Unclean water looks greenish yellowish and disgusting. Knowing that it’s not healthy to have contaminated water in our environment, the community should do something about it.

What is the problem?

The main problem is that our water is getting polluted.For example: rivers ,streams, oceans, and other bodies of water. The problem is affecting the living organisms that live in the water because, they have an unhealthy environment. There is a big possibility that the organisms in the ocean could die, the population will decrease.Each living organisms plays an important role in our watershed. This problem is also affecting the water’s

quality and animals that drink from water sources. If animals drink unhealthy water, then they might get sick or die! The problem follows a chain affect. If the fish’s water gets contaminated→ The fish could get contaminated or have disease→ people go fishing for fish→ they cook and eat them while they are contaminated→ People could get sick or die from the unhealthy fish. People should put a little bit more thought towards the organisms and all of the water.

Why should we care and why is it important ?

The reason we should care about water pollution is because it causes many problems.One of the problems is the death of aquatic animals. One other reason is disruption of the animal’s food chain. As a matter of fact humans can get sick or can get a disease.When humans eat seafood the seafood could be contaminated from the pollutants.If you think about it ,If water gets polluted their will be poor drinking water for the animals especially.There will also be poor drinking water for us.

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