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Summer 2018: Student Recommendations--Tech and Video Games

This spring, seventh graders practiced writing CTERC paragraphs for the Persuasion Unit. Below, you can find recommendations for technology and Video games!

Kira Kuniyoshi: The Mac

The Mac is a family friendly computer that includes Apple apps. It has a built in camera and microphone for easy access. Since it’s an Apple computer the user interface is very different from other computers so it will take time to get used to. Apple apps like Facetime and IMessages will already be downloaded onto the computer. It allows for easier access without having to connect extra cameras and microphones. The Mac will have trouble running high speed video games, but I’m not sure if it’s because my Mac is older. I do recommend the Mac to families who already use Apple products since it allows you to call each other. It also lets you use parental locks.

Elder Hernandez-Pulex: Monster Hunter 4 If your looking for a good video game you need to check out Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the Nintendo 3DS or 3DS XL. Before playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate you should know that there is a co-op option that you can use and you could play with up to four of your other friends that have their own copy of the game or you could make new friends and you can play online with people from around the world. The best feature is that you won’t get tired of having to hunt the monsters over and over again because unlike other games where you have to do the same thing over again you will always see something different and new. The main reason I recommend Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is because it’s an incredibly fun and beautiful game with a lot of variety. You don’t want to be the one left out and not have this game, so save up now because it’s less than $30.

Sophie Nave: Kirby's Epic Yarn Today I’m reviewing a game that’s fun and relaxing to play, Kirby’s Epic Yarn. If you like super casual, easy, and cute games, Kirby’s Epic Yarn is the game for you. My absolute favorite part of this game is how relaxing it is to play after school, and how it’s not too difficult. I don’t play a lot of games, and Kirby was very easy and fun to play with friends for someone who isn’t the best in gaming. If your day stresses you out, get this game to help you relax and take it easy since you deserve it.

Hakeem Oluseyi: Undertale If you’re looking for a great game you should definitely check out Undertale on the computer or PS4. If you like RPG games then you’ll like Undertale because Undertale is a great RPG game with a twist. One of the most unique features about Undertale is that you don’t have to kill anything. In most RPG’s you have to kill things or grind to beat the game but in Undertale you can get through the game by sparing everyone which is good because you gain an emotional connection with the characters. Many people have bought the game and it’s very popular with 2 million copies sold so don’t be one of the people that didn’t buy the game and buy this game soon.

Spencer Vess: Super Mario Odyssey If you’re looking for an excellent video game that is fun yet challenging than you need to check out Super Mario Odyssey on the Nintendo Switch. In order to play Super Mario Odyssey you’ll need a Nintendo Switch on the latest firmware. The best part of Super Mario Odyssey is mixing in nostalgic sections with 3D sections like the Super Mario 64 suit, the Super Mario Sunshine outfit, and the 8 bit sections themed like classic Mario games. The main reason I recommend Super Mario Odyssey is because it is a great game to relax to and it does still offer tough challenges. Be like the cool people and buy Super Mario Odyssey.

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